Sunday, September 21, 1986

Kenny Scharf called and said there was a party for his wife Teresa's birthday in th epark near the rowing bridge you go over to get across the lake.
     Met Stuart and went up there and finally found the party and not too many people were there, but in a few minutes suddenly everybody arrived and there were seven birthday cakes. Keith showed up and Alba Clemente was with her little girl and Maripol was there and she's going bankrupt, there's a sale of her stuff on Tuesday.
     Ann Magnuson was there and I like her. Nobody's talking about her in the movies yet. I guess they're waiting to see reaction.
     Susan Pile called and said she got a job at Twentieth Century Fox that starts in October, so she's leaving Paramount. And the Diary can write itself  ont he other news from L.A., which I don't want to talk about.

[NOTE: Jon Gould died on September 18 at age thirty-three after "an extended illness." He was down to seventy pounds and he was blind. He denied even to close friends that he had AIDS.]

     Stephen Sprouse called with good news -- he said that he signed a deal with Andrew Cogan and that I'm responsible because he met him through me and so he wanted me to be the first to know. Isn't that great? He'll have his own store and a collection.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 760. New York: Warner Books.