Saturday, September 20, 1986

I waited for my new bodyguard Tony but he didn't show up. He forgot. I went myself and passed out magazines uptown. A boy picked me up and I took him into Christie's with me, his name was O'Riley and he said he'd written a paper on me in school, but then after being so thrilled he talked about a "girlfriend" so I was let down, but I didn't care, he was a nice kid.
     Walked all the way to the office. Called Jean Michel and he was going to a party at Madam Rosa's, that club downtown, so went there (Cab $6) and it's a cool place -- when somebody famous comes in nobody cares. Then we left to walk over to Odeon for dinner and there was this "hooker" on the street and it turned out to be Jane Holzer. She was so fat, I couldn't believe it. She said, "We're shooting a Lou Reed video, I'm in it." She was in costume. I hate Lou Reed more and more, I really do, because he's not giving us any video work. She was getting $100 for the day and she'd been working since 9:00. He wasn't even there, he was doing his part the next day.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 759-760. New York: Warner Books.