Thursday, June 9, 1983

Got up early because I had a 10:00 appointment at the office that Fred had made with Wayne Gretzky of the Oilers (cab $6). When I got there they said that Gretzky had just called and said he was coming right down. Meanwhile Fred who had made this early, early meeting wasn’t there yet. By 12:30 I was still the only one there, and I was mad. I found out from Brigid that the reason Fred was late was because he’d brought home a black girl and she’d Mickey Finn’d him and taken all his watches, so I didn’t yell at him. And finally Gretzky arrived and he was adorable, blond and twenty-two and cute. He doesn’t wear shoulder pads when he plays. I told him he should go into the movies and he said that he was going to be in a Fall Guy and a Tom Selleck. He dates a Canadian singer.
     Brigid went up to Jennifer’s graduation from Spence, and I couldn’t go, I disappointed Jennifer, because I had the Gretzky thing and then Iolas to tape. But I called her and told her to bring her father down afterwards for lunch. Sent Brigid out for desserts ($20) and had champagne with Jennifer and her father. And then after they left, that’s when Benjamin told me that her father had been Edie’s psychiatrist! Jennifer didn’t tell her father until a few days ago that she was working here. Jennifer stayed on and worked. 

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 505-506. New York: Warner Books.