Tuesday, October 30, 1979

I ran into Juan Hamilton who was coming down to the office later. He and Georgia O'Keeffe are at the Mayfair ($3.50). As I got to the office Joseph Beuys, the German artist, was getting out of a car with his children and Heiner Bastion -- about eight people. He kissed me on the mouth and I got nervous. I didn't know what to talk to him about. Heiner Friedrich and Philippa de Menil came by. And Robert Hayes had Sally Kellerman and Barry Diller and Barry McKinley there, and there was no room to sit down. And Heiner Bastion said I should photograph Beuys for a portrait. Then I was photographing Georgia and Juan in the back. It's too hard with famous people at the office all the same time because nobody can understand why anybody else is there. I worked until 4:00 with Georgia. Finally they all left.
     Later I went to the horse show at Madison Square Garden. I went over with a bunch of horse people to the Statler Hilton for scrambled eggs and bacon, I guess that's what horse people like to eat. It was good. I stole some silverware and then it was embarrassing because it fell out and everybody saw it. It was Statler Hilton silverware from the forties.
     At Studio 54 after that I ran into Steve Rubell who said that on Friday he was going to be sentenced to two months in jail, that he'd made a deal with the government -- they'd dropped the drug charges and he'd pleased guilty to income tax evasion. He asked if we'd come and visit him.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 246-247. New York: Warner Books.