Thursday, September 29, 1983

I woke up with flea bites and that made me hysterical. I ran out and bought flea collars for my ankles.
     Cabbed downtown ($5) to the new chic supermarket at Park Avenue and 18th Street, the Food Emporium, but a gay guy there made my sandwiches and so I couldn't eat them.
     Kenny Scharf came by, he just bought a $2,000 house in Bahia and eats coconuts all day. His wife's having a baby. His father must be a semi-rich producer. Kenny met his wife on a plane to Carnival.
     Then Keith Haring came by after getting a B-12 shot from Dr. Giller, and it was like the sixties when the kids would get shot up and come back so bubbly. And Keith was ranting and raving about this black graffiti artist that's in the papers now because the police killed him--Michael Stewart. And Keith said that he's been arrested by the police four times, but that because he looks normal they just sort of call him a fairy and let him go. But this kid that was killed, he had the Jean Michel look--dreadlocks.
     Worked all afternoon. Dropped Benjamin (cab $7). Glued myself and went over to Regine's alone, she was having a party for Julio Iglesias's birthday, and Lester Persky was arriving when I was, and we went in as a couple, and there were cameras but every body said it was (laughs) just Spanish television. The usual people there, "Suzy" and Jerry Zipkin and Cornelia. And Julio Iglesias looks different than in pictures. He's 6'3"and very handsome with a very dark tan, and teeth that are practically fluorescent. He was very friendly as if he really knew me. Maybe he knows somebody that we know who talks about us all the time. And Cornelia sat near so she could catch his eye. Halston had called and said to come over to his place afterwards.
     So I went to Halston's and Jane Holzer was there and Halston was doin the same "I'm so rich" routine, but I mean, he must be worried after that thing came out in Fortune where the guy who wons him now said he was thinking of selling him.
     Oh, and Halston asked again about meeting Jerry Hall. He still wants to make Bianca jealous. But now that Jerry's pregnant, it'll be hard to dress her.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 533. New York: Warner Books.