Saturday, March 31, 1979

"Went to Studio 54 with Catherine and Stephen Graham. Catherine had also invited Jamie Blandford, the good-looking marquis who'll be the next Duke of Marlborogh. Jamie introduced me to Gunther Sachs son--it must have been from before Brigitte Bardot, he looked in his twenties. The place was crowded, it was like a subway. Stevie came over and told me a couple of stars that were there, but I can't remember who they were. One was "the new Shaun Cassidy," a blond kid, Leif something, he's making millions, they say. Garrett. Then I had John Scribner talking in one ear about John Samuels, IV, and in the other ear Cindy the Hustler from Columbus talking about John Samuels IV. And she was jealous because he'd dropped her for Larissa.
     Studio 54 was a lot of fun. I went up in the balcony and Halston was there with Lester, and if you say, "This is Lester Persky the producer of Hair," these boys just get down on their knees. They absolutely get down on their knees. And then Halston invited me to the next night's birthday party for Victor. Jamie wanted to go to the basement, but Catherine and I didn't go with him."

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). New York: Warner Books.

[NOTE: Gunther Sachs owned Halston's former house at 101 East. 63rd Street]