Wednesday, October 27, 1982 -- New York -- Hong Kong [Alfred Siu]

Arrived in Hong Kong, evening. It was hot and muggy, Florida-type weather. Twelve hours' difference in time, so you didn't have to change your watch, which was kind of great.
     Alfred Siu, our host, met us. Rolls Royce and limousines. Jeffrey Deitch of Citibank was at the airport to meet us, too, and he's adorable, such a sweet guy. He'd the one who got us involved with the whole project. Mardarin Hotel. We were all on different floors -- I was in 1801, Chris in 1020, Fred in 820, and his girlfriend Natasha Grenfell in 722. I had a suite overlooking the harbor, it was very beautiful, but everyone said Hong Kong was having a recession.
     And then after we got straightened up Alfred wanted us to go to the I Club to look at it, it was just a block a way in the Bank of America on the first floor and it still wasn't finished, they had three days to finish it. And we met the designer of it, Joe D'Urso. He said he'd decorated all of Calvin's apartments. Alfred is so pretty -- a spoiled, cut kid, just adorable. And Joe D'Urso is this fat little slob but really talented. Went back to the hotel, called New York. 

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 465. New York: Warner Books.