Ran into Lynn Wyatt who was just back from Grace Kelly's funeral. She said Prince Rainier was crying and Prince Albert couldn't talk.
Went to Diane Von Furstenberg's (cab $4). Barry Diller was there and Valentino. But out of the corner of my eye I saw George Plimpton and his wife Freddy, and when she saw me she began running around me and acting just nuts. She felt guilty because George helped Jean Stein with the Edie book. She was like a headless chicken running around, just making all these noises. And I told her, "Look, I don't know what you're carrying on about. I don't care about the stupid book." I should have said that if she wanted to make it up to me, just send a check. And I could see Jon talking to George and later he told me he told George how could he put those things in the book about me when he knew me personally and he knew they weren't true and that Edie was away from the Factory for years before she died.
Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 462. New York: Warner Books.