When I walked into the office everyone was in a bad mood. Brigid began putting Christopher down and said that the only Christmas present that everybody at the office would really want is that Chris never come up there again. When I told him about it later he said that maybe he should pay Brigid the $20 he owes her. She did some work for him a few years ago on a project that then he didn't get paid for, so he felt that he didn't have to pay her. And then of course he's cheap, that's really why he didn't pay her. And Robyn was so moody. Jay went home to Milwaukee and he's the only one who might've actually worked.
And Peter Beard called and wanted us to okay a check from Cheryl Tiegs that he was trying to get cashed at Brownies because he wanted to go around the corner to Paragon and buy some sports equipment. So I guess he's being kept by Cheryl. She's really got the bucks, she's got the Sears contract.
And Lorna Luft came down because Liza's giving her her portrait for Christmas. And she had no makeup on and she looked beautiful. She's on the Cambridge diet, and she really is pretty. Her portrait will be like Marilyn. If she just kept her regular brown hair color and her regular looks, she could be a big serious actress. But instead she tries to look the opposite of Liza, to get an identity.
Christmas is so confusing. Jon left for New Hampshire.
Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 475. New York: Warner Books.