Richard Simmons has sort of disappeared. After being the biggest thing in America last year he's just on real early in the morning.
I was picked up by Ian Schrager and went out to Roy Cohn's annual party in Greenwich and traffic was bad because of the bridge that had collapsed, and now they say that it was a seven inch pin that caused the whole thing to go. It's so abstract. People just kept driving onto it even when it wasn't there--until a big tractor-trailer blocked it off.
I talked to Bob Colacello. he's going to Europe to do an article for Parade. Sat in a corner by the pond. Ate a fast dinner. Saw Calvin and told him that Juan Hamilton was very upset that Calvin hadn't taken his call. I guess Juan and Georgia O'Keeffe feel that they treated Calvin so well when he was out there in New Mexico with them that he should be very friendly and do favors, but then I guess Calvin feels that he spent so much money buying Georgia's paintings that he doesn't have to do anything more.
Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 509. New York: Warner Books.