Somebody stopped me on Park Avenue and said, "You're that person on that commercial," and I said yes and gave him an Interview, and then he said, "Maybe you can help me?" and I said what was it because I was in sort of a rush, and he said that he wrote scripts and would I look at them and then he said, "And what's your name?"
Curley had his twenty-fifth birthday, and so we sent out for things and had drinks.
Thomas Ammann just called to tell me that Fassbinder just killed himself. Well, he really was strange. When he came to the office he was reeeally strange. And when I say somebody's strange, you know they're strange. He was thirty-seven and did forty movies.
Dropped Rupert (cab $5). Went home and was picked up by Richard Weisman to go to the Grease II premiere. Jon was taking Cornelia Guest. The movie was everything I dreamed for. I loved the Pfeiffer girl and the Caulfield boy and Pat Birch's direction was great. It was so good. John Travolta is so dumb for not doing Grease II. What is he doing now? Can you imagine being a star and not working? Do you sit in your palace and take (laughs) acting lessons, or what?
Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 445. New York: Warner Books.