Wednesday, December 10, 1986

I thought I was going to have to take photos of Tatum in the morning for the portrait I'm doing so I lugged all the camera stuff home and everything but then when I called her it was too difficult for her to schedule, she said whey didn't we wait until after Aspen. I think the O'Neal family is probably a really stupid family where the father just happened to make it big in one movie. Because here's this little girl who thinks she's so smart, she just thinks she's so intelligent. And when she was a little girl she was advanced, but...
     A portrait guy came to the office in the afternoon and he was one of those cigar-smoking guys who talks about himself and looks fresh, like he's just come out of a gym. About fifty-five. Like what Mike Todd probably looked like.
     The other day Victor sounded so sick I though he had the magic disease, but yesterday he sounded fine, totally recovered. I think Elsa Peretti's dropping lumps of money into his account. He knows when not to go overly too far. I guess he's bored living out in East Hampton. He has a whole house there for $1,500 a month. He's being supported in the style to which he's accustomed.
     Odd people keep telling me how much they love the TV show.
     Steven Greenberg had a car and we went to the ballet to see "The Nutcracker." I'd sent flowers to Heather and Jock and Ulrik...Paige did it for me. The little kids in the audience there were all so rich, in just the right clothes with the right hair and eating the right (laughs) chocolates. They looked the way Sandy Brant would dress her kids. Jock and Heather were the leads. Heather's getting tired-looking, but she's a really good dancer. The performance was wonderful. Really, dancing is only good when the kids are fifteen and you get that skinny frail pinpoint look.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 781. New York: Warner Books.

Saturday, November 22, 1986 [diary fragment]

I watched Young Bobby Kennedy, a documentary, in the morning. They put it on because it was the JFK death anniversary, I guess.
I'm always surprised that one of the Kennedy kids wouldn't want to know what really happened, who really killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy. you'd think Caroline would get interested and say, "I don't care if I get killed, I want to know."
Went to Doyles and then to Sotheby's and got catalogues (cabs $4 $5). This is right before they closed. And they told me there that I'd just done very well. The Soup number two went pretty high at $6,600. I forgot we'd sent Jay to bid on Ladies and Gentlemen, a set of those, and some Flowers. Jasper's Numbers set went for $140,000

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 776. New York: Warner Books.

Monday, November 3, 1986

Went over to the West Side to Dr. Li's (cab $5, newspapers $6). It was a really nice day. Kind of busy at the office. Sam was depressed, what else is new. He had big circles under his eyes, it seemed like he spent the night out. Vincent had been up till 6 A.M. working on a video.
     The Dia foundation was having my opening. And there was the sixties party that Jane Holzer was having at the Ritz, Fred said we had to go to that. Doc Cox had called in the afternoon and wanted a ticket to the Ritz thing. I was surprised he wouldn't pay because it was a benefit for displaced or disabled kids.
     So after the Dia Foundation thing we went to Jane's party and Jane didn't show the whole time we were there. We were walking out and Stephen Sprouse was there and he's really broke. He may be getting kicked out of his apartment. The deal he was going to sign got complicated. Everything always sounds so great until you start talking to the lawyers.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 770. New York: Warner Books.

Wednesday, October 8, 1986

Sam's being nice to me because I haven't taken him anyplace in a few days. And Paige told me that now Sam doesn't speak to her anymore. I don't know why he gets that way. Surly. He told me that Paige doesn't like him. He wants to be wanted in such a funny way. Instead of working (laughs) he wants to be wanted. But if he worked, he would be wanted. And Fred is really tough on Sam. And on everybody. Fred is unbelievable. I can't believe how he's changed. When something's done wrong, he just says, "Get out!" Just like that. "Get out!" Just like Mrs. Vreeland.
     Steven Greenberg was taking a whole group of us to the Color of Money Actor's Studio benefit, and he was picking me up in his limo so I was trying to lock up and there was a problem so I left Vincent there with it and went to the Ziegfeld with Seven Greenberg. We walked in right behind Tom Cruise and Paul Newman, so nobody paid any attention to us. Paige got me popcorn. Saw Aidan Quinn and Mariel Hemingway and her husband. I sat with Cornelia who was more like her old friendly self, and Jane Holzer and Rusty came. And Victor Hugo was there and Ellen Burstyn made a speech and Paul Newman did. And the movie, I slept through most of it. I just wasn't interested in pool, and nothing was explained. And Paul Newman should've had sex with the girl, then at least there could have been conflicts. You didn't know why anybody was doing anything and you didn't care, but there were funny lines. Everybody "in" was there.
     And then I rode down to the party at the Palladium with Halston and they'd done the place up like a big gambling casino -- huge pool-ball balloons on the ceiling, different colors, it was like walking into Studio 54 in the old days because they really did a big theme number. But it was was boring. Then Paige insisted on escorting me home. I don't know why she gets that way. I'm not a baby -- as long as I get a cab, I'm fine.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 765. New York: Warner Books.

Thursday, October 2, 1986

Steve Rubell also told me while he was spraying spit all over me that Barry Diller was giving a big party for Calvin Klein's new marriage and where should he have it?
     I took Sam to the Whitney Museum party for Keith and Kenny that I was hosting. Michel Roux of Absolute Vodka was giving it. Keith asked me what big move stars I was bringing. He said Nick Rhodes was in town and I don't know why Nick hasn't called me. I know he's been here a while. He's being distant.
     Got to the Whitney early, had to do some press. Some museum people were there but Tom Armstrong wasn't. Later he said he didn't come down because he was "upstairs because it was cooler there. Jane Holzer came around 8:30 and we walked to Mortimer's and the block was roped off for the party.
     Peter Allen sang inside but I missed it and later when he asked me if I heard it and I said no, he turned away. Another distant person. If I run into Sylvia Miles and she's distant, I'll know I'm really in trouble. Then at 9:15 we left. Jane and I went to La Reserve at 4 West 49th for the dinner that Michel Roux was giving for Keith and Kenny, they've both done paintings of the Absolut Vodka bottle. Had fun there.
     Jane walked me home. I watched Letterman and I like the lady admiral he had on. Oh, and Quentin Crisp was at the Whitney and he looks younger than ever, just great. He told me that Letterman, when you're on his show, it's like being out with a gay guy -- you know how they're always looking past you, looking around for somebody better. He said that's what Letterman's like on the air.
     And I took my quarter-Valium and went to bed. And I guess I have to confess to the Diary that I am a Valium addict. I'm addicted. because I read in the paper the symptoms and I've got them. And starting in December you're going to need more signatures to get them, so I'll have to stock up now.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). 763-764. New York: Warner Books.

Sunday, September 21, 1986

Kenny Scharf called and said there was a party for his wife Teresa's birthday in th epark near the rowing bridge you go over to get across the lake.
     Met Stuart and went up there and finally found the party and not too many people were there, but in a few minutes suddenly everybody arrived and there were seven birthday cakes. Keith showed up and Alba Clemente was with her little girl and Maripol was there and she's going bankrupt, there's a sale of her stuff on Tuesday.
     Ann Magnuson was there and I like her. Nobody's talking about her in the movies yet. I guess they're waiting to see reaction.
     Susan Pile called and said she got a job at Twentieth Century Fox that starts in October, so she's leaving Paramount. And the Diary can write itself  ont he other news from L.A., which I don't want to talk about.

[NOTE: Jon Gould died on September 18 at age thirty-three after "an extended illness." He was down to seventy pounds and he was blind. He denied even to close friends that he had AIDS.]

     Stephen Sprouse called with good news -- he said that he signed a deal with Andrew Cogan and that I'm responsible because he met him through me and so he wanted me to be the first to know. Isn't that great? He'll have his own store and a collection.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 760. New York: Warner Books.

Saturday, September 20, 1986

I waited for my new bodyguard Tony but he didn't show up. He forgot. I went myself and passed out magazines uptown. A boy picked me up and I took him into Christie's with me, his name was O'Riley and he said he'd written a paper on me in school, but then after being so thrilled he talked about a "girlfriend" so I was let down, but I didn't care, he was a nice kid.
     Walked all the way to the office. Called Jean Michel and he was going to a party at Madam Rosa's, that club downtown, so went there (Cab $6) and it's a cool place -- when somebody famous comes in nobody cares. Then we left to walk over to Odeon for dinner and there was this "hooker" on the street and it turned out to be Jane Holzer. She was so fat, I couldn't believe it. She said, "We're shooting a Lou Reed video, I'm in it." She was in costume. I hate Lou Reed more and more, I really do, because he's not giving us any video work. She was getting $100 for the day and she'd been working since 9:00. He wasn't even there, he was doing his part the next day.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 759-760. New York: Warner Books.

Thursday, July 17, 1986

Worked till 7:00. And then Ric Ocasek was picking us up to take us over to Madison Square Garden. Ric has a girlfriend, Paulina, who's a big model and Czechoslovakia and her mother was with them, and she looks even younger than the daughter. And I guess maybe I'm not really Czech, because I didn't understand it when they were talking.
     And we went to the Garden and I didn't know this could be done but the limo drove right into the Garden. You drive right (laughs) onto the stage. Yes, you really do. Ric and Dylan have the same manager. And he kept saying to me, "You have total freedom, total freedom. Go anywhere, take pictures anywhere -- in the bathrooms, on the stage, anyplace." And they took us into the room and Dylan was there and Tom Petty and Ron Wood. And Tom Petty's daughter was round, or maybe it was his wife. She looked just like him.
     Any Dylan looks good, he had silver-tipped cowboy boots on and he was drinking Jim Beam. And even though they'd told me I had "total freedom," I'm glad I asked before I took a picture of the three of them there, because Dylan said no. And then later Ric found out that Dylan was in a bad bad mood because he had just had a big fight with his girlfriend who's forty or fifty who I think works for the record company and at the end of the fight she'd said something to him like, "Oh go out and play you 'Mr. Tambourine Man' or whatever." And that would kill your  mood -- when your lover calls all your work you've done in your life (laughs) "whatever." So I guess he was left without an ego with a show to do.
     And the Pressman kid who owns Barneys was there, he'd been at the MTV party the night before he goes to all these music things, I don't know why. I lied and told him that I'd seen the Statue of Liberty windows at Barneys.
     I didn't get any good pictures, really, so I just took four rolls of atmosphere. And Ron Delsener was running, he went crazy at the end because if you go past 11:00 then it costs $1,000 extra a minute for the unions.
     Afterwards, at that new restaurant on 81st and Columbus, Metropolis, Dylan came in with his whole family -- all his kids and his mother, who was nice-looking with white hair. She didn't look Jewish, but everybody else did. I asked Dylan's manger if Dylan was Christian now or Jewish again, and he said Dylan's Orthodox and that's why he wasn't doing a show the next night -- that he didn't work Friday nights unless the money was really good.
     Keith Richards was supposed to come to the concert, but Patti Hansen was having their baby. Oh, also, the road manager liked Rick Ocasek's girlfriend Paulina's mother and so she was giving him her address. He was Indian. Pauling said, "We've got to get my mother laid before she has to leave New York."

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 744-745. New York: Warner Books.

Tuesday, May 27, 1986

Fred's going to Europe on Friday to the big Thurn und Taxis thing. I'm not going -- he doesn't want to take care of me.
     Worked until 6:45 and then all the dishes from the lunch were still in the kitchen and I told Fred that the kitchen was dirty and he looked at me and said, "Well I'm not going to do the dishes." Diana Vreeland has been really a bad influence on him. I should've broken that up. In the old days Fred would have been the first person to roll up his sleeves and start scrubbing. I had already called for a car so I just had time to clean the coffeepot and I guess Jay cleaned up the rest. Jay's in a good mood lately. Maybe he has a new girlfriend. Thomas Ammann saw Jay's art and loved it, but that was a one-time painting -- he's not painting like that now. The young artists are all now doing abstract paintings because they're making fun of that now. They're going through everything, making fun of every period.
     Went to see Martha Graham with Jane Holzer and Halston. Halston did the costumes. They did ballets from like 1906 and 1930 and it was funny to see what dancers were like then -- they were like hoochy-koochy girls. (laughs) Ballet needs a new defector -- you watch these Russian dancers and we don't have anything like that here. I was watching a Russian group do "Swan Lake" and it was just such a difference.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg 735. New York: Warner Books.

Tuesday, January 21 (image)

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 710. New York: Warner Books.

January 21, 1986

I think I forgot to tell about the girl on 57th at Park who took off all her clothes and peed in the middle of the street and then walked over and put her clothes on again. In front of that luggage store that I never see anybody in. The southwest corner, you know? Everybody pretended like nothing was happening. She had high heels on.
     Benjamin picked me up and on the way downtown we ran into Jimmy Breslin who was just in a sweater, he said he'd just walked through the park, that he walks to the Daily News every day from the West Side and he said he'd walk with us, but we panicked because we were on our way to Bulgari, and can you imagine the column he would write about that? And so we told him we had to go and work on some advertisers, and it was hard to shake him. But gee, that's a long walk he does every day isn't it?
     Grace Jones arrived at the office to pick up her portrait and she was searing Issey Miyake and she had a hat on that was like Rasta hair and she has big kisses on the mouth for everybody, like even Sam. And she's so excited that she's going to Hollywood to play a woman Dracula. I mean how many more women Draculas can they have? She's so excited. She said they gave her "artistic control." She was saying that she was going to turn yellow and then white and then green, and so then I thought that maybe they just gave her artistic control of her face.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). New York: Warner Books.

Saturday, January 18, 1986

I got myself into black tie, took a cab to U.N. Plaza for Richard Weisman's wedding (cab $4.50). And who was sitting there in the lobby but Crazy Matty. They weren't even kicking him out or anything.
Richard was sort of out of it. His youngest daughter was with the son of the woman who Richard lived with for about five years and didn't marry. And then I guess he met this girl and decided to get married right away. And when she came down I was shocked because he hadn't said she was Oriental, and his father, Fred Weisman, just had a horrible experience with an Oriental woman and now Richard's marrying one himself. She's a model. She's half American and half Korean.
     The wedding itself only took a second. You hardly noticed. "Do you take this woman?" "Yes." That was about it. And then I had about four pieces of wedding cake. And I asked why Suzie Frankfurt wasn't there and somebody said that she and Richard had had a falling-out because he gave her $20,000 to get the stucco off the walls and she hasn't done it.
    And everybody was saying they hadn't known if this wedding was really going to happen. John Martin from ABC said that just before he got into his tuxedo he called to make sure. And Richard's wife told him that for her wedding present all she wanted in the world was to go to the Superbowl. Yeah, right--"The Superbowl, darling, that's all I want." And so then I left and Matty was still in the lobby. And I said to the door man, "How can you let that person stay here so long and not kick him out?" and he said, "He works for Interview magazine."

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 709. New York: Warner Books.

Friday, January 10, 1986

Richard Weisman called and said he was getting married, and it's next Saturday in town.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 708. New York: Warner Books.

Monday, January 5, 1986

There's a cable news show that I see at 5:30 in the morning when I get up to pee that's good. I don't know what it is I'm allergic to. Dr. Linda Li says it may be the paint I use but I'm hardly ever near it now. I think it's something in this house. Or maybe it's something in the buildings on either side of me, maybe radiation from the doctor's building. Maybe it's the teddy-bear coat I sleep in, although the label says it's all cotton, I don't know. It's Armani. I somehow feel it might have a little polyester, it has that fuzzy feeling. And I also sleep under the Larissa leather coat that Jane Holzer gave me, it's so great. Jane keep saying I never wear it and I tell her I wear it every night.
     Paige picked me up and we went to the St. Regis for the Adolfo show. The clothes are beautiful but it's so abstract to me that somebody should copy Chanel suits for years, that you'd make a career out of copying somebody else's suit. It's been decades and it's still the same suit. There was a tall lady next to us and I didn't smile at her or anything, I didn't know who it was, and then later I realized it was Evangeline Bruce. There were so many ladies there that I just should be doing portraits of, just every one was one of those rich ladies. And they still have all their energy from not having hard lives.
     You know, Heather Watts is so interesting. She's in this "reading group" that Anne Bass is in, they all read the same book every month and then they meet and discuss it. And it's all these rich ladies like Brooke Astor and Mrs. Rupert Murdoch and Drue Heinz. And they meet at a different member's house every week with the butlers and cooks and maids, and Heather says she's the only poor one and that she's the only one who reads the books. She dropped out of school at fifteen. And you know how vivacious she is, she said she heard about Anne Bass's group at a part and she said, "I want to be in it! I want to be in it!" Heather can't wait for the group to have to come to her loft and they'll all sit on the floor.
     Then Paige and I went to the Robert Miller Gallery and the show of my photographs looks absolutely great. Terrific. The catalogue looks good but Stephen Koch's essay throws in the same old names like Duchamp and Brassai. Brassai!!!! And if they'd had some young person do it it would've been different names and fresher.
     I decided not to go out and just rest up and be fresh for the opening of the show.

Warhol, A. (1989). The Andy Warhol Diaries (P. Hackett, Ed.). Pg. 789. New York: Warner Books.